'Insight BCG' organized 'WordsWorth ', the BCG Inter-School English Language Challenge for educators of Bombay Cambridge Gurukul schools. The event was conducted at Dr. S. Radhakrishnan International School (Malad) and 4 educators represented their respective schools.

This year’s challenge was dedicated to '2019, the Year of Indigenous Languages' as declared by the UN.

There were 5 categories, with 4 rounds in each category.

The Robert Cawdery Challenge - Spelling and Pronunciation

The William Bullokar Challenge - Grammar

The Noam Chomsky Challenge - Vocabulary

The Ferdinand de Saussure Challenge - Linguistics

The Edward Lear Challenge - Word Games

The winners of WordsWorth 2018-19 are:

Ms. Rohini Ajaykumar

Ms. Hetal Patel

Ms. Shweta Arora

Ms. Aafreen Zariwala

Click here to view photographs of the event